What is hair loss?

What is hair loss? How to prevent it?

What is hair loss? Here we discuss the reasons. The reason for hair loss may be due to genetics or due to some changes in hormones. The most discussed symptoms of hair loss are usually dandruff and scaring. Female hair loss is normally at the frontal and parietal. 
A normal human has 100,000 hairs on its head. People loss 100 hairs every day. Normally when we are losing hair fastly we observe that change while brushing our hair after shampooing.

Which vitamin is best? What are hair loss and its causes?

Vitamin B is also known as biotin. Studies revealed that deficiency of vitamin B is the cause of hair fall. Biotin is also added to shampoos to increase hair growth.

what is hair loss

What are the causes of hair loss?

  • Emotional trauma
  • Deficiency of certain proteins
  • Sometimes hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menopause, and puberty can be the result of hair loss.
  • Health conditions include
  • Thyroid disease
  • Deficiency of iron
  • Secondary syphilis can lead to hair loss.

Is iron can be a cause of hair loss?

Iron deficiency is the major cause of hair loss. A 2012 study in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine suggests that vitamin D is helpful for the growth of hair as vitamin D makes follicles and thus new hairs grow from these pores.

How can we get vitamin D

  • Take sunlight
  • Eat fish and some seafood
  • Eat and use the mushroom as a food
  • Add egg yolks to your everyday meal
  • Use the UV lamp
Suggested Reading: how to lose belly fat

What kinds of masks and oils are useful for hairs?

  • Use coconut oil for hairs twice a week
  • Egg mask is also effective for hair growth
  • Yogurt and honey are useful for saving your hair from dandruff
  • Amla is best to boost your growth
Suggested Reading: What is vitamin D 

What is hair loss


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